====== 15.学習のための積み木、非認知能力 ====== [[00.科学的根拠に基づく教育:index.html|Evidence-based education (EBE) 科学的根拠に基づく教育]] https://risan.jpn.org/?p=632 学習のための積み木 2022年1月14日 ===== 非認知能力 ===== https://www.oecd.org/education/skills-for-social-progress-9789264226159-en.htm Skills for Social Progress The Power of Social and Emotional Skills Today’s children will need a balanced set of cognitive, social and emotional skills in order to succeed in modern life. Their capacity to achieve goals, work effectively with others and manage emotions will be essential to meet the challenges of the 21st century. While everyone acknowledges the importance of socio-emotional skills such as perseverance, sociability and self-esteem, there is often insufficient awareness of “what works” to enhance these skills. Teachers and parents don’t really know whether their efforts at developing these skills are paying off, and what they could do better. Policies and programmes designed to measure and enhance socio-emotional skills vary considerably within and across countries. This report presents a synthesis of the OECD’s analytical work on the role of socio-emotional skills and proposes strategies to raise them. It analyses the effects of skills on a variety of measures of individual well-being and social progress, which covers aspects of our lives that are as diverse as education, labour market outcomes, health, family life, civic engagement and life satisfaction. The report discusses how policy makers, schools and families facilitate the development of socio-emotional skills through intervention programmes, teaching and parenting practices. Not only does it identify promising avenues to foster socio-emotional skills, it also shows that these skills can be measured meaningfully within cultural and linguistic boundaries. More Published on March 10, 2015 https://www.nier.go.jp/05_kenkyu_seika/pdf_seika/h28a/syocyu-2-1_a.pdf 国立教育政策研究所 否認知的(社会情緒的)能力の発達と科学的検討手法についての研究に関する報告書 ===== 見出し ===== http://www.iwate.med.or.jp/pdf/Non-cognitive-ability.pdf 非認知能力 - 岩手県医師会 https://www.yamanashibank.co.jp/fuji_note/life/post_1406.html 非認知能力とは?幼児期の教育が40歳で優位な差を生む⁉子どもがより豊かな⼈⽣を過ごすためにパパ、ママが知っておきたいこと 更新日 2021年11月01日 http://www.seirei.or.jp/nurseryschool/kodomoen-megumi/column/4_5981244193437/index.html 認知能力と非認知能力 https://edtechzine.jp/glossary/detail/%E9%9D%9E%E8%AA%8D%E7%9F%A5%E8%83%BD%E5%8A%9B 非認知能力 (ひにんちのうりょく) 別称・英語表記(Non Cognitive Skill) https://www.weblio.jp/content/amp/non-cognitive%2bskills 新語時事用語辞典 新語時事用語辞典 非認知能力 https://www.embot.jp/news/36501 2021.04.20 非認知能力とは?幼児期から学童期に育てたい「人生を豊かにする力」 https://point-g.rakuten.co.jp/educare/articles/2020/kids_cognitive/ 「非認知能力とは?」を簡単に解説!具体的にどう育てる?どう遊ぶ? 2021.08.23 ===== 見出し ===== [[00.科学的根拠に基づく教育:index.html|Evidence-based education (EBE) 科学的根拠に基づく教育]]